
This is a blog dedicated to the art and science of selling. How many of us grew up planning a career in sales? How many college class catalogs have a course called "Sales 101"? (Please don't confuse sales with marketing in the course catalogs.) How much study have we given to this rewarding profession?

Facts are, the overwhelming majority of sales people "fell" into sales. Unless we work for a larger company with professional development budgets, most of us have never had formal training in the profession. And let's face it, most sales people simply "wing it" on the sales call. None of this is good for our success or profession.

This blog looks to promote more art and science into the profession of sales so that your results, either as an individual contributor or as a sales leader, become better, more predictable and sustainable. Many years of b2b sales experience and management experience give me a vast reservoir of sales and leadership wisdom to share with you. I am glad you came and I hope you contribute.

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Create and Control!!

So it's been awhile!  I've been busy!!

Probably like you....it has been topsy-turvy the last couple years.  Where are we headed?  Uncertainty seems to abound wherever you look.

Without comment on recent politics, as a Sales Professional, I like to take matters into my own hands.  That's why I love the profession.  I don't have to wait for my boss to write me a pay raise - I make it myself!!

We see so much economic uncertainty out there, and have for some time.  It is ever so easy to blame a sagging forecast, or poor results on this economic uncertainty.

Don't let this happen to you!!

You are in this profession to create demand for your product and/or service.  Anyone can pick up the phone or email in box to field interest.  That's not selling.  What are you doing to CREATE interest and demand??  Are you solely relying on your marketing team, the internet, social media etc. to create that interest and demand?

These are all wonderful great ways to supplement your pipeline, good times and bad, but they will not fill your quota, and your company's expectations for you alone, good times or bad.

What can you do to CREATE and CONTROL, i.e. create demand and control the buying and sales process?  If economic times have you tired of the same old excuses, think about how you might create value in your client/prospect, and then once created, how you will control the buying and sales process.  

Create and Control!!  I'll have some ideas for you in a future post.